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Proboscis Monkey

Kingdom:- Animalia
Phylum:- Chordata
Class:- Mammalia
Order:- Primates 
Family:- Cercopithecidae
Genus:- Nasalis
Species:- N.larvatus

24 to 28 inches
Up to 50 pounds (males)

The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) or long-nosed monkey is an arboreal Old World monkey with an unusually large nose, a reddish-brown skin color, and a long tail. It is endemic to the southeast Asian island of Borneo and is found mostly in mangrove forests and on the coastal areas of the island.[3]

This species co-exists with the Bornean orangutan.[4] It belongs in the monotypic genus Nasalis.[5]

These are entitled as Endangered in the IUCN red list. The population is also gradually decreasing.

It may seem hard to believe, but male proboscis monkeys use their fleshy, pendulous noses to attract mates. Scientists think these outsize organs create an echo chamber that amplifies the monkey’s call, impressing females and intimidating rival males.

Male Proboscis monkey 
Female Proboscis monkey

Habitat and Behavior

Proboscis monkeys are endemic to the jungles of Borneo, never straying far from the island’s rivers, coastal mangroves, and swamps. They are a highly arboreal species and will venture onto land only occasionally to search for food. They live in organized harem groups consisting of a dominant male and two to seven females and their offspring. Various groups often congregate near water at night to sleep.


Swimming Abilities

Proboscis monkeys are the primate world’s most prolific swimmers, frequently leaping from tree limbs and hitting the water with a comical belly flop. They’ve evolved webbed feet and hands to help them outpace the crocodiles that are some of their main predators.

“Flickr,” Flickr, Mar. 21, 2021. (accessed Mar. 21, 2021).

Size and Appearance

Among the largest of Asia’s monkeys, male proboscis specimens can reach 50 pounds, although females attain only about half that size. Adults wear a coat of light brown fur that turns red around the head and shoulders and gray at the arms, legs, and tail. Only males develop the namesake nose.


Proboscis monkeys survive mainly on a diet of leaves, seeds, and unripe fruits but will occasionally consume insects as well. They have complex, chambered stomachs that rely on a host of symbiotic bacteria for digestion.

Threats to Survival

Unfortunately, Borneo’s most threatened landscapes are home to these highly specialized primates. The rampant clearing of the region’s rain forests for timber, settlement, and oil palm plantations has depleted huge tracts of their habitat. The fragmentation of the monkeys' range means they are being forced to descend from the trees more frequently and often must travel perilously long distances to find food. Their land predators include jaguars and some native peoples who consider proboscis monkey a delicacy.

Over the last 40 years, proboscis monkey populations have plummeted. They are currently protected from hunting or capture in Borneo. 

The proboscis monkey is assessed as endangered in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and listed in Appendix I of CITES. Its total population has decreased by more than 50% in the past 36–40 years to 2008 due to ongoing habitat loss because of logging and oil palm plantations and hunting in some areas due to the species being treated as a delicacy, as well as its use in traditional Chinese medicine.

A big nose never spoiled a handsome face!!!
That is it for this week!! 

Have a good week ahead.  


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